[PLEASE NOTE]: Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of its affiliates) licenses this supplement to you. You may use it with each validly licensed copy of Microsoft Windows Vista All Editions software (the “software”). You may not use the supplement if you do not have a license for the software. The license terms for the software apply to your use of this supplement. Microsoft provides support services for the supplement as described at
Please note: As this software is distributed in Quebec, Canada, this notice is provided below in French.
Remarque :Celogicielétantdistribué au Quebec, Canada, cette notification estfournis ci-dessous en français.
REMARQUE :Microsoft Corporation (ou en fonction du lieu oùvousvivez, l’un de sesaffiliés) vousaccordeunelicence pour cesupplément. Vouspouvezutiliserunecopie de cesupplément avec chaquecopieconcédée sous licence du logiciel Microsoft Windows Vista All Editions (le « logiciel »). Vousn’êtes pas autorisé à utilisercesupplémentsivousn’êtes pas titulaired’unelicence pour le logiciel. Les conditions de licence pour le logiciels’appliquent à l’utilisation de cesupplément. Microsoft fournit des services d’assistance technique pour le supplémentdisponiblessur le site
Terms and Condition are agreement between parties wherein they agree in a certain condition to be followed and accomplished for a better relationship and give and take relation. If ever the term will not be followed or will be broken there will be no more mutual sharing will occur. All companies are having their own terms and conditions so that whatever happens is no one to blame. Like here in Windows Movie Maker if we don’t follow their agreement we cannot use their supplement and one of their agreement is we need a license of software (Microsoft Windows Vista) before we can install these windows movie maker.
These license terms are an agreement between Microsoft Corporation and the user. If we will use this software so it means that we’ve agreed their conditions, but we have our rights also when we agree their agreement. And one of our rights is we can also have our backup copy of that software. We may use it only to reinstall the software.And wemay uninstall this software and install it on in another device.The importance is we should only follow their terms and conditions.
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