The Goddart Flight
The flight was named after the father of American spacexploration, Dr. Robert Goddard, who performed much of his pioneering aerospace work in New Mexico.This offers sub – orbital spaceflights to the paying public costing almost 225 million US dollar.
27 sq. miles (70kmsq.) Richard Branson’s (Virgin Galactic)
Over 2,600 mph (4,200km/h) This craft carry up to six passenger at a time to a height of approximate 68 miles (110km) using a single hybrid rocket motor. When the maximum altitude reached the engine are switched off automatically and the passengers can experience up six minutes looking down on earth.
Over the next decade
A new generation of ships initially the fligths are very expencieve around: (200,000 each U.S dollar) How ever competition between space tourism, companies begins to reduce cost’s making them affordable to middle – income citizens by the middle of the century. Along the side, other companies are to offer trips account the moon.
Advantage and Disadvantage
You can Experience and see How Grreat is our God and Powerful is HE
•Very expensive.
•Maybe I can, if there is:
The Goddart Flight
Post By : Barol, Marjune D.
Miyerkules, Agosto 31, 2011
Future Designer Laptop - ROLLTOP
Orkin Design used flexible touch-screen technology so that a screen could be rolled out from a casing that looks like a yoga mat and be plugged directly into a power outlet. The strap of the Orkin Design Rolltop bag doubles as the power cord. The casing also has speakers, a camera, USB ports and a LAN port.
The Orkin Design Rolltop is currently in the design phase; there’s no word as to when the laptop will enter production.
Rolltop is a portable computer development concept for designer, architect and everyone, who would like to have a gadget, which, from an aesthetic standpoint alone, certainly hits the mark. By virtue of the OLED-Display technology and a multitouchscreen the utility of a laptop computer with its weight of a mini-notebook and screen size of 13 inch easily transforms into the graphics tablet, which with its 17-inch flat screen can be also used as a primary monitor due to the support attached to the back of the screen.
Watch this video:
Point of view:
This kind of a Laptop is really amazing, how can we imagine that there is a laptop that can easily to bring. Though it is just a concept, but people are really creative because of this idea. The inventor of this technology was very good because of his/her invention was very good too. Wow!Source:
Future Designer Laptop - ROLLTOP View more presentations from elective1
By: Jean Gracelle A. Regidor
Martes, Agosto 30, 2011
A space elevator for Earth would consist of a cable anchored to the Earth's equator, reaching into space. By attaching a counterweight at the end (or by further extending the cable upward for the same purpose), the center of mass is kept above the level of geostationary orbit. Inertia ensures that the cable remains stretched taut, countering the gravitational pull downward. Once above the geostationary level, climbers would have weight in the upward direction as the centrifugal force overpowers gravity. (The diagram is to scale. The height of the counterweight varies by design and a typical, workable height is shown.)

Discussion of a space elevator dates back to 1895 when Konstantin Tsiolkovsky proposed a free-standing "Tsiolkovsky" tower reaching from the surface of Earth to geostationary orbit 35,785 km (22,236 miles) up. Like all buildings, Tsiolkovsky's structure would be under compression, supporting its weight from below. Since 1959, most ideas for space elevators have focused on purely tensile structures, with the weight of the system held up from above. In the tensile concepts, a space tether reaches from a large mass (the counterweight) beyond geostationary orbit to the ground. This structure is held in tension between Earth and the counterweight like a guitar string held taut. Space elevators have also sometimes been referred to as beanstalks, space bridges, space lifts, space ladders, skyhooks, orbital towers, or orbital elevators.
While some variants of the space elevator concept are technologically feasible, current technology is not capable of manufacturing tether materials that are sufficiently strong and light to build an Earth-based space elevator of the geostationary orbital tether type. Recent concepts for a space elevator are notable for their plans to use carbon nanotube or boron nitride nanotube based materials as the tensile element in the tether design, since the measured strength of carbon nanotubes appears great enough to make this possible. Technology as of 1978 could produce elevators for locations in the solar system with weaker gravitational fields, such as the Moon or Mars.
For human riders on an Earth-based elevator, adequate protection against radiation would likely need to be provided, depending on the transit time through the Van Allen belts. At the transit times expected for early systems, radiation due to the Van Allen belts would, if unshielded, give a dose well above permitted levels.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Early concepts
The key concept of the space elevator appeared in 1895 when Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was inspired by the Eiffel Tower in Paris to consider a tower that reached all the way into space, built from the ground up to an altitude of 35,790 kilometers (22,238 mi) above sea level (geostationary orbit). He noted that a "celestial castle" at the top of such a spindle-shaped cable would have the "castle" orbiting Earth in a geostationary orbit (i.e. the castle would remain over the same spot on Earth's surface).
Since the elevator would attain orbital velocity as it rode up the cable, an object released at the tower's top would also have the orbital velocity necessary to remain in geostationary orbit. Unlike more recent concepts for space elevators, Tsiolkovsky's (conceptual) tower was a compression structure, rather than a tension (or "tether") structure.
Twentieth century
Building a compression structure from the ground up proved an unrealistic task as there was no material in existence with enough compressive strength to support its own weight under such conditions.In 1959 another Russian scientist, Yuri N. Artsutanov, suggested a more feasible proposal. Artsutanov suggested using a geostationary satellite as the base from which to deploy the structure downward. By using a counterweight, a cable would be lowered from geostationary orbit to the surface of Earth, while the counterweight was extended from the satellite away from Earth, keeping the center of mass of the cable motionless relative to Earth. Artsutanov's idea was introduced to the Russian-speaking public in an interview published in the Sunday supplement of Komsomolskaya Pravda in 1960,but was not available in English until much later. He also proposed tapering the cable thickness so that the stress in the cable was constant—this gives a thin cable at ground level, thickening up towards GSO.
Both the tower and cable ideas were proposed in the quasi-humorous Ariadne column in New Scientist, 24 December 1964.
Making a cable over 35,000 kilometers (22,000 miles) long is a difficult task. In 1966, Isaacs, Vine, Bradner and Bachus, four American engineers, reinvented the concept, naming it a "Sky-Hook," and published their analysis in the journal Science. They decided to determine what type of material would be required to build a space elevator, assuming it would be a straight cable with no variations in its cross section, and found that the strength required would be twice that of any existing material including graphite, quartz, and diamond.
21st century
After the development of carbon nanotubes in the 1990s, engineer David Smitherman of NASA/Marshall's Advanced Projects Office realized that the high strength of these materials might make the concept of an orbital skyhook feasible, and put together a workshop at the Marshall Space Flight Center, inviting many scientists and engineers to discuss concepts and compile plans for an elevator to turn the concept into a reality. The publication he edited, compiling information from the workshop, "Space Elevators: An Advanced Earth-Space Infrastructure for the New Millennium", provides an introduction to the state of the technology at the time, and summarizes the findings.
Another American scientist, Bradley C. Edwards, suggested creating a 100,000 km (62,000 mi) long paper-thin ribbon using a carbon nanotube composite material. He chose a ribbon type structure rather than a cable because that structure might stand a greater chance of surviving impacts by meteoroids. Supported by the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts, Edwards' work was expanded to cover the deployment scenario, climber design, power delivery system, orbital debris avoidance, anchor system, surviving atomic oxygen, avoiding lightning and hurricanes by locating the anchor in the western equatorial Pacific, construction costs, construction schedule, and environmental hazards.The largest holdup to Edwards' proposed design is the technological limit of the tether material. His calculations call for a fiber composed of epoxy-bonded carbon nanotubes with a minimal tensile strength of 130 GPa (19 million psi) (including a safety factor of 2); however, tests in 2000 of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), which should be notably stronger than an epoxy-bonded rope, indicated the strongest measured as 52 GPa (7.5 million psi).Multi-walled carbon nanotubes have been measured with tensile strengths up to 63 GPa (9 million psi).
One concept for the space elevator has it tethered to a mobile seagoing platform.
The centrifugal force of earth's rotation is the main principle behind a space elevator. As the earth rotates, the centrifugal force holds the tether upwards against gravity. There are a variety of space elevator designs. Almost every design includes a base station, a cable, climbers, and a counterweight.
Base station
The base station designs typically fall into two categories—mobile and stationary. Mobile stations are typically large oceangoing vessels. Stationary platforms would generally be located in high-altitude locations, such as on top of mountains, or even potentially on high towers.
Mobile platforms have the advantage of being able to maneuver to avoid high winds, storms, and space debris. While stationary platforms don't have these advantages, they typically would have access to cheaper and more reliable power sources, and require a shorter cable. While the decrease in cable length may seem minimal (no more than a few kilometers), the cable thickness could be reduced over its entire length, significantly reducing the total weight.
A space elevator cable must carry its own weight as well as the (smaller) weight of climbers. The required strength of the cable will vary along its length, since at various points it has to carry the weight of the cable below, or provide a centripetal force to retain the cable and counterweight above. In a 1998 report, NASA researchers noted that "maximum stress [on a space elevator cable] is at geosynchronous altitude so the cable must be thickest there and taper exponentially as it approaches Earth. Any potential material may be characterized by the taper factor – the ratio between the cable's radius at geosynchronous altitude and at the Earth's surface."
The cable must be made of a material with a large tensile strength/mass ratio. For example, the Edwards space elevator design assumes a cable material with a specific strength of at least 100,000 kN/(kg/m). This value takes into consideration the entire weight of the space elevator. A space elevator would need a material capable of sustaining a length of 4,960 kilometers (3082 mi) of its own weight at sea level to reach a geostationary altitude of 36,000 km (22,300 mi) without tapering and without breaking.Therefore, a material with very high strength and lightness is needed.
For comparison, metals like titanium, steel or aluminium alloys have breaking lengths of only 20–30 km. Modern fibre materials (which tend to achieve greater strength because the microscopic or crystal structure is aligned with the axis of the material and has fewer defects) such as kevlar, fibreglass and carbon/graphite fibre have breaking lengths of 100–400 km. Quartz fibers have an advantage that they can be drawn to a length of hundreds of kilometers even with the present-day technology. Nanoengineered materials such as carbon nanotubes and, more recently discovered, graphene ribbons (perfect two-dimensional sheets of carbon) are expected to have breaking lengths of 5000–6000 km at sea level, and also are able to conduct electrical power.
Carbon is such a good candidate material (for high specific strength) because, as only the 6th element in the periodic table, it has very few of the nucleons which contribute most of the dead weight of any material (whereas most of the interatomic bonding forces are contributed by only the outer few electrons); the challenge now remains to extend to macroscopic sizes the production of such material that are still perfect on the microscopic scale (as microscopic defects are most responsible for material weakness). The current (2009) carbon nanotube technology allows growing tubes up to a few tens of centimeters only.
A seagoing anchor station would incidentally act as a deep-water seaport.
A conceptual drawing of a space elevator climbing through the clouds.
A space elevator cannot be an elevator in the typical sense (with moving cables) due to the need for the cable to be significantly wider at the center than the tips. While various designs employing moving cables have been proposed, most cable designs call for the "elevator" to climb up a stationary cable.
Climbers cover a wide range of designs. On elevator designs whose cables are planar ribbons, most propose to use pairs of rollers to hold the cable with friction.
Climbers must be paced at optimal timings so as to minimize cable stress and oscillations and to maximize throughput. Lighter climbers can be sent up more often, with several going up at the same time. This increases throughput somewhat, but lowers the mass of each individual payload.[citation needed
As the car climbs, the elevator takes on a 1 degree lean, due to the top of the elevator traveling faster than the bottom around the Earth (Coriolis force). This diagram is not to scale.
The horizontal speed of each part of the cable increases with altitude, proportional to distance from the center of the Earth, reaching orbital velocity at geostationary orbit. Therefore as a payload is lifted up a space elevator, it needs to gain not only altitude but angular momentum (horizontal speed) as well. This angular momentum is taken from the Earth's own rotation. As the climber ascends it is initially moving slightly more slowly than the cable that it moves onto (Coriolis force) and thus the climber "drags" on the cable.
Although space elevator impossible to make because its dangerous to travel to outer space and we cannot assure that space elevator is safe.
Space elevator sarah final
SPACE ELEVATOR by SARAH JEAN ICOY View more presentations from elective1
1.Computer fraud happens when a victim is conned into believing that he will receive money or something else of value. There are common types of this crime currently in practice. "Phishing" scams involve creating fake emails while pretending to be a legitimate business like a bank or credit company that ask the victim to confirm personal information. Some other types include phony emails about a bogus inheritance, jobs overseas handling money transactions (for a large salary) and illegitimate loan approvals.
2.Computer industrial espionage involves the stealing of trade secrets or spying on persons through technological means for bribery, blackmail or corporate/personal advantage.One notable variation of this crime is termed the "hack, pump and dump." An account is created with an online brokerage company and multitudes of other accounts are hacked into and used to purchase particular stocks. When the stock's value goes up, the stock is sold through the original online account. Other methods include using spyware software (such as a Trojan horse) to find out logins and passwords, electronic eavesdropping and use of computerized surveillance to obtain company secrets.
3.A computer virus transmitter is someone who creates a malicious virus to infect computers from functioning properly, run annoying programs and/or gain access to the victim's personal data. This type of software is commonly known as "malware." Persons can unknowingly download these programs through websites, emails and pop-up windows. Common types of malware are called adware, spyware and Trojan horses.
4.Software piracy is one of the most common computer crimes. Copying software for distribution or personal use is considered an illegal act. Programs that are not protected with encryption keys (installation ID number), malware protection or other types of anti-piracy methods are easy to copy. However, these tools are not 100 percent foolproof. It can never be assumed that someone cannot find away around these types of protections.
Therefore, anti-piracy methods will constantly be fine-tuned and improved.
Knowingly selling, distributing or buying child pornography (under age 18) through the Internet is a crime. The Internet has also been used as a tool for child prostitution. Pedophiles have used chat rooms to lure minors into illegal sexual encounters. Prosecution of these crimes is difficult due to the anonymous nature of the Internet (see Resources below).
click here....SOURCE:
Top 5 Computer Crime's
View more presentations from elective1
Linggo, Agosto 21, 2011
Coming soon: New tech could charge cell phones with your voice
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Voice that can charge your mobile phone |
Owners of mobile phones may soon be able to charge their gadgets' batteries by shouting or yelling.
New research promises a way to charge phones using the human voice: Electrical engineers in South Korea Dr Sang-Woo Kim have developed a new technique for turning sound into electricity, which in the future could let you charge up your cell phone by having a lengthy conversation on it as well.
He said that powering the sound-insulating walls would have an additional benefit of reducing noise levels near highways.
Such technology, once perfected, may prove popular in the Philippines, where Filipinos are heavy users of mobile phones and similar gadgets.
According to the Telegraph article, the technology uses tiny strands of zinc oxide, this is the main ingredient of calamine lotion. It will be placed between two electrodes. A sound-absorbing pad on top vibrates when sound waves hit it, causing the tiny zinc oxide wires to compress and release. This generates electrical current that can then be used to charge a battery.
The amount, though not enough to fully charge a battery, but it will surely provide the platform where upon further improvements can be achieved, eventually leading into full functionality of the technology as desired by Dr Kim and his team, along with billions of mobile phone users all across the world.
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This new technology is very fantastic, imagine you can be able to charge your mobile phone through your voice or any background sounds,so with this future technology it can less consumption of energy . I hope the scientist of this TeCh could soon produce this great invention here in the Philippines so that we can try how amazing it is.
Watch and Discover how radiation of cellphones can cook popcorn and meat.
Amazing... right?
Coming soon: New tech could charge Cell phones with your voice
By: Rachel Eachavia Bague
Watch and Discover how radiation of cellphones can cook popcorn and meat.
Coming soon: New tech could charge Cell phones with your voice
Coming soon aug1
Coming soon: New tech could charge Cell phones with your voice. View more presentations from elective1
By: Rachel Eachavia Bague
Sabado, Agosto 6, 2011
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